Issue I178.2 [contours,enhancement,example,resolved] New field lines/vector plotting example ('contour') This example demonstrates how user programs can extend SIMION's field plotting capabilities to do this: (1) Plotting field lines or field vectors. (2) Exporting paths of contour and field lines and data along those lines. (3) Plotting field lines for fields defined in a user program (efield_adjust or mfield_adjust segments). Implemented in 8.0.5 (though should run in earlier 8.0.x versions too). See also Issue I491 "Allow PE/Contour views of fields defined by a user program." Update: 2008-07-22 - The type of contour a particle traces is now determined implicitly and individually by the particle's mass (1000 - 1003) in the particle definitions, rather than adjustable variables, thereby allowing different particles to trace different types of contours in the same plot. Update: 2010-12-15 - This technique is inferior and now largely obsolete due to the new feature in Issue I564 "Programatically draw 3D lines on View screen"