The field and particle trajectory simulator
Industry standard charged particle optics software
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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I221.2 [enhancement,example,testplane,record,resolved]
  New example 'test_plane': Applies user program to record data on
  multiple non-orthogonal test planes

  This new example "test_plane" provides one solution to Issue I221 -
  "Support multiple and non-orthogonal test planes in data recording." 
  via user programming.

  Implemented in 8.0.5 (but compatible with previous 8.0 versions)

  This "test_plane" example will be formally included in 8.0.5 but can
  be downloaded separately now from the "Check for Updates" button in
  SIMION 8.0 (simion8-test_plane-*.zip).  It should work under earlier
  version of SIMION 8.0 as well.

    2008-07-24 - robustness improvements, avoids particle locking up
      near test plane.  Reported by SlavaKov and rraman in

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