Issue I343 [enhancement,med,resolved] Warn on attempt to modify/refine/view wrong PA type. Reported by davidm-20070104. Description: SIMION 7.0.x, 8.0.1, and prior versions give no warning if the user attempts to perform some types of actions on the wrong potential array type. For example, the user could insert a .PA# file (or .PA[1..n] or .PA_ files) into a workbench IOB. Occasionally this is desired (e.g. Copy function described in 9.2.5 "Transferring Fields from Inner to Outer Instances" in the SIMION 8.0.0 manual), but typically it is a mistake. This can occur, for example, if you select a .PA# file and press View on the main screen or you select Add on the View screen. Normally, you instead want to load the (solution or refined) .PA0 file into the workbench. Similarly, no warning occurs on attempt to refine a PA0 (rather than PA# file) or modify a PA0 (or PA[1..n]) file. New users have made such mistakes. Resolution: SIMION 8.0.2 provides a warning if the user attempts this. In fact, when entering View, SIMION now offers to use the corresponding .PA0 file instead. Affects: 7.0.x and 8.0.0-8.0.1. Status: Resolved in 8.0.2.