Issue I371 [70,80,gem,HIGH] 0.5 gu adjustment for within{hyperbola(...)} Noted by emmah-20070309 Description: When using "within" inside your GEM file: within{Hyperbola(0,0,25,25)} SIMION applies a +0.5 gu adjustment (as noted in the description of the "within" command in the SIMION manual). So, the equation (y - yc)^2/ry^2 - (x-xc)^2/rx^2 = 1 becomes (y - yc)^2/(ry-h)^2 - (x-xc)^2/(rx+h)^2 = 1 where h = 0.5 gu However, if you use a "within_inside" instead: within_inside{Hyperbola(0,0,25,25)} SIMION applies no such adjustment (i.e. h=0). Typically, you want this adjustment so that the surface error is not just less than zero ("-1 < error < 0") but rather centered around 0 (i.e. "-1+0.5 < error < 0 + 0.5"). However, the hyperbola becomes somewhat off particularly in the far region when defined this way. Typically this region is less important if ions don't fly in that region. However, you might try the following to preserve the accuracy in the far region: within_inside{Hyperbola(0.5,-0.5,25,25)} Possibly SIMION should instead automatically define hyperbola in that way. Also noted by davew-20070806 -- Resolve by 8.0.5-production release.