The field and particle trajectory simulator
Industry standard charged particle optics software
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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I492 [defect,gui,keys]
  Keyboard input and shortcut/accelerator key conflicts lacking proper
  conflict resolution and precedence.

  In some cases, a key might have more than one action associated
  with it.  For example, on the Print screen, the 'L' key might load
  annotations (via the accelerator for the "Load" function), create a
  label on a box annotation (via the graphical window input handler),
  or be part of text typed into the command bar.  Prior to
  8.0.5-TEST16, this was inconsistently selecting which action to
  trigger or in some cases triggering multiple actions.  This was
  generally easy to work around but was inconsistent.

    On a Print screen, add a Label.  Put focus on Print button.
    Type 'l' inside label text.  Load Annotations box opens
    and 'l' is typed.  (This only affects ~ 8.0.5-TEST12-TEST15
    due to Issue I90).  Workaround: click graphical window
    before doing this to put focus on graphical window.
    Reported by pegc-20080404-
    On a Print screen, add a Label.  Put focus on Print button.
    Hover mouse over label text.  Press left or right key.
    Both label cursor and Windows focus change.
    Load quad\ in Modify.  In command bar, press key
    '+'.  The Layer Z is also incremented.

  Cause: The decision of who (e.g. graphical window, controls with
  accept_key handlers such as the command bar, controls with
  accelerators, and other controls) handles accelerator and other key
  input was not being handled properly.  This is complicated, but
  8.0.5-TEST16 removes dead-code from 7.0 and cleans this up.

  Resolved in 8.0.5-TEST16.

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