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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I496 [enhancement,81,inprogress]
  Manipulating workbenches from Lua in SIMION

  NOTE: This is currently an 8.1 feature that is only available for
  beta testing in the 8.1 "early access" mode.  See Issue I421 for
  details on the "early access" mode.

  There are new functions for manipulating workbenches from Lua
  inside SIMION.


    local wb = simion.wb     -- get workbench object
    local b = wb.bounds
    print(b.xl, b.yl, b.zl, b.xr, b.yr, b.zr)
    local inst = wb.instances[1] -- Get first PA instance
                                 --   in PAs instance list
    local pa =       -- Get associated PA object.
                             --   See Issue I422

    print(inst.x, inst.y, inst.z)
    print(inst.ox, inst.oy, inst.oz)
    print(, inst.el, inst.rt)

  There are numerous other functions and properties.  Details are in
  the Libraries API in Help|Browse Documentation in 8.0.5 or above.
  At this time, please download the latest SIMION documentation set
  (simion-docs), which contains an up-to-date
  "docs\lua_simion.wb.html" HTML page describing these functions.

  As of 8.0.5-TEST18 - Partly implemented provided "early access"
  mode is enabled.
  As of 8.0.5-TEST27, field simion.wb.instances[i].mm_per_grid_unit has been
  renamed simion.wb.instances[i].mm_per_gu.
  As of 8.0.6-TEST5 - Various fixes to simion.wb and
    simion.wb.instances, to ensure changes are propagated
    to the fly'm and GUI.
    Including Issue I541 Particles don't see resized workbench dimensions in
    batch mode. [*]
  As of 8.0.6-TEST6 - change pa:refine min iterations from 100 to 1.

  See also Issue I422 - Manipulating PAs from Lua inside SIMION

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