The field and particle trajectory simulator
Industry standard charged particle optics software
Refine your design: model > simulate > view > analyze > program > optimize it.
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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I498 [enhancement,81,resolved]
  Resize SIMION window programmatically (simion.window)

  In 8.1 early access mode (as of 8.0.5-TEST18 - Issue I421), the
  SIMION window can be resized programmatically:

    simion.window.x = 10
    simion.window.y = 10
    simion.window.width = 1200
    simion.window.height = 500
    simion.window.state = 'maximized'  -- 'minimized', 'normal'

  Requested by adrian-200804.

  Resolved in 8.1 early access mode (8.0.5-TEST18).

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