The field and particle trajectory simulator
Industry standard charged particle optics software
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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I495.2 [com,MED-HIGH]
  Sending large tables to LuaCOM causes crash.

  There is a LuaCOM bug, where the Lua stack overflows if a large
  table is transfered via COM (e.g. sending many cells to Excel).

  A workaround is to not transfer large chunks of data but
  rather to send smaller chunks of data, e.g.

    -- workaround for
    -- is to transfer data in chunks.
    local i=1
    while i <= nrows do
      local copy = {}
      for j=1,500 do copy[j] = t[i + j - 1] end
      ws:Range(ws.Cells(1+i,1), ws.Cells(1+i+#copy-1, ncols)).Value2 = copy
      i = i + 500

  Reported by dcrizer-20080515 --

  LuaCOM should be patched.  Unfortunately, it requires some
  changes to how table transfers are done.

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