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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I220.3 [enhancement,81,partlyresolved]
  Allow workbench IOB files to contain PAs in a different directory.

  In 8.1 (or 8.0.5-TEST17 under early access mode), potential arrays
  outside the directory of the workbench (IOB) file can now be loaded
  onto the workbench.  When the IOB file is saved, relative or
  absolute paths to these PAs will be saved in the IOB file.

  To use this, just click "Add" on the "PAs" tab and select a
  potential array outside the current directory.  You may see a
  warning about the file being outside the current directory (ignore

  When saving the IOB file, SIMION will try to preserve a relative
  path to the PA.  Failing that (e.g. if the PA is stored on a
  different drive), an absolute path will be preserved.

  Compatibility: IOB files containing PAs in different directories
  should load and largely work in 8.0.5-TEST17 or above, even when not
  in 8.1 early access mode.

  Note: this new feature generally works but but some further work
  will be done on it (likely 8.0.5-TEST18) to make it more robust.
  Certain saving/loading operations currently could confuse it.

  Partly resolved in 8.0.5-TEST17.
  Parent issue: issue I220

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