Questions? Comments? Feature requests? We have a couple different support avenues:
- Documentation - sources of documentation include the SIMION User Manual and the Supplemental Electronic Documentation from the "Help" menu in SIMION (an abridged SIMION User Manual and supplemental documentation are online), SIMION "examples" folder, older "courses" folder, and hundreds of scholarly papers in the open literature that use SIMION. If you aren't sure where to find something, just ask us.
- SIMION Users Group ( is an open discussion group for general SIMION questions. Discuss with other users and with SIS.
SIMION® Support and Development at IMI Adaptas (SIS divison), phone and e-mail support. Technical questions may be sent ATTN David Manura, or just post in the comment box below. We like hearing your experiences and suggestions for improving SIMION, and we are eager to help you out on operation or behavior of the software, general questions, bug fixes, or pointing you in the right direction, typically at no charge. There can also be opportunities for working together on topics of mutual interest—e.g. developing some example or feature to add to SIMION or publishing a paper. If you need more extensive assistance specific to your own needs and beyond the basic support level included in your SIMION purchase, such as for a more complex issue or a custom modification of the software for your application, please provide us your requirements.
Independent Consultants -
The following is a list of individuals who are offering paid,
independent consulting services for charged particle optics or mass
spec design in conjunction with SIMION. These individuals provide a
high level of experience in various areas (not just in SIMION)
and might be available to assist you in
certain aspects of setting up simulations or even do entire parts of
the design/simulation/analysis/assembly for you.
They have good relations with SIMION Support and Development
and can draw on that as needed.
Please provide details of
your requirements when requesting a quote.
Confidentiality is important, and work can be performed under
non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
Bud Buttrill, Ion Optics and Mass Spectrometer Design, Palo Alto, CA,
[linkedin page]
— My experience includes over 30 years of charged particle device design aided by computer simulations (first e-gun, from SLAC, and later SIMION beginning with version 3). In recent projects, I have developed user programs for optimization of arbitrary figures of merit of the system, including resolution and ion transmission. I have extensive experience with ion traps, ion source interfacing, and time-of-flight designs, including examination of the effects of ion-neutral collisions on their operation and performance. -
Bob Jackson1, PhD, R&D Physicist and Engineer; Mark Osgood2, R&D Engineer and Physicist [Ashwood Labs, Wilton, NH]
Solving your R&D bandwidth issues: designing, prototyping, and modeling your instrument components from the physical structures to the data they produce. We have extensive experience with mass spectrometers and other charged particle analyzers, sources, detectors, ambient/vacuum interfaces, vacuum systems, and associated technology, as well as with advanced data acquisition and processing techniques. Ashwood Labs has extensive knowledge of special material constraints and a full suite of CAD, CFD, PDE, and mathematical tools, as well as advanced SIMION modeling capabilities.
Fasmatech Science and Technology SA, Athens, Greece. /
— Fasmatech was established in 2009 by E. Raptakis, PhD and D. Papanastasiou, PhD. Fasmatech's founders have long experience in ion optical design, including time-of-flight, ion traps, ion guides and ion mobility. Fasmatech has focused on the aerodynamic design of atmospheric-vacuum interfaces using experimental and computational methods. We offer custom ion optical design and full construction capabilities, from a single ion guide to a complete customized device. Our customers include major MS manufacturers and individual academic researchers. -
Jonathan Batey, PhD, Consultant, Warrington, UK
[linkedin page]
— Since October 2006 I have been a freelance consultant, spending most of my time on mass spectrometer development projects for two major companies. The work has mostly centred on my developing detailed simulations, but always using experimental data to verify and refine the models. I use SIMION and CPO, also Mathcad and VBA with MS Excel. presentation on quads -
Dr. Sergei Koltsov, Koltran Labs, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Deputy Director Internet Studies Laboratory, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, HSE.
— I have about seven years experience in Auger electron spectroscopy and five years in mass spectrometry. Experience includes dealing with the simulation of energy analyzers, developing software to control the electronics for analyzers and of course with experiments. I worked with magnet mass spectrometers, time of flight mass spectrometers, quadrupole (mode of trap and ion guide) and have also simulated TOF, quadrupole, lenses and so on. Main software used is SIMION (and I am the author of Virtual Device). In general my specialization in physics is numerical simulation and can bring complicated theory to experiment. I have also worked in Sweden and Germany (summary of activity). - Contact IMI Adaptas is you have general questions on consultants. If you have utilized our consultants, please send feedback to IMI Adaptas (you may use the comment box below).
Supplies and manufacturing: In addition to its work on SIMION, IMI Adaptas has a scientific supplies catalog (e.g. vacuum supplies, multipliers, and MS filaments) with a network of world-wide distributors. We have another division supporting your OEM contract engineering, machining and assembly needs (, with specialization in precision parts for the MS and scientific market (ISO 9001-2000 certified).
Precision ManufacturingScientific SuppliesRepair ServiceMS Software - Note: Contact us to post SIMION-related job openings or other links of interest.