Issue I317.2 [enhancement,iobautoload,lua,resolved] Save workbench Lua program when saving IOB under new name. As of 8.0.5-TEST9, when you save a workbench (.iob) file under a new name, the user is presented with an option to save (copy) any workbench .lua program associated with the old workbench with the new workbench. This is similar to SIMION's behavior for .ion/.fly2/.fly, .rec, and .kept_traj files. Recommended by mikhaily-20080229. When using Lua user programing, the .lua file is associated with the .iob file and is loaded when the .iob file with the same name is loaded. However, when saving an .iob file, SIMION saves the associated .fly file BUT NOT the .lua file. Implemented in 8.0.5-TEST9 Parent issue: Issue I317