The field and particle trajectory simulator
Industry standard charged particle optics software
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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I90 [gui,MED-HIGH,partlyresolved]
  Add more underscores to controls for shortcut access keys.

  On fly panel, add shortcut key for ">" (step) control.

    Added these shortcuts
      Main screen:
        t = SL Tools
        u = Run Lua Program
        c = Check for Updates (was u)
        d = Docs
      Modify (PA) screen:
        z = Zoom 2D [*]
        f = Find [*]
        > = >Tmp
        n = Print
        4 = XYZ
        5 = 3D
        a = Clear
      View (IOB) screen:
        t = Point type (crashed in 8.0.0-8.0.5-TEST10)
        v = potential
        + = +Z3D [*]
        - = -Z3D [*]
        w = Where [*]
        b,p,r,c,v,y,g,h - Notebook tabs at top
          > = Step >
          u = User Program
          j = Fast Adjust
          a = Add
          d = Del
          r = Rpl
          a = Show All
          o = Colors
          a = Align
        n = Print
        e = PE
        1,2,3,4 = XY,ZY,XZ,3D Iso

    Data Record:
      r = Record
    Particles Define
      e = Edit as Text
      t = Print Options
      l,s = Load/Save Annotations
    Print Options
      Added shortcuts.
      Added shortcuts to refine params.

  TODO? - maybe use "l" for the log window as "w" is that current
  shortcut.  I would also like "Where", "/Rel" and "." to be available
  within the IOB view regardless of what tab is selected at the top.
  I use these for measuring/verifying dimensions a lot and often
  forget to switch to the Display tab before pressing "/". [*]

    - Possibly not needed.  You can now type 'y' followed by 'w' to
      enable the Where function.

  [*] Recommended by ryand--
     (many of these were in 7.0)

  Resolved partly in 8.0.5-TEST11.

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