SIMION User ManualΒΆ
The SIMION manual is one of the first places to look for documentation on SIMION. The SIMION 8.0/8.1 manual is ~450 pages (7.0 manual is ~330 pages) and explains SIMION usage in great detail. The manual is provided in print form with the purchase of SIMION. Supplementary documentation is provided in electronic form with the software.
A table of contents, sample chapter, and online search function is provided here: SIMION Manual Contents.
Additional and more up-to-date documentation on SIMION is provided in SIMION 2020 Supplemental Documentation and on SIMION 8.1 topics are largely covered in SIMION 2020 Supplemental Documentation rather than in the printed manual, which focuses more on features common to SIMION 8.0 and 8.1.
SIMION 8.1 shipped with a Rev-4 (8.0.4) manual prior to Jan 2012 and a Rev-5 ( manual thereafter. In SIMION 2020 or above, the manual is online (electronic), with no printed manual shipped.