The field and particle trajectory simulator
Industry standard charged particle optics software
Refine your design: model > simulate > view > analyze > program > optimize it.
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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I373 [enhancement] 
  Support fast scalables with offset.
  V = (V0 - c)*k + c rather than just V0*k.

  See also Issue I172 in SIMION-8.0\docs\fast_scale_extension.html near "Note
  that you can apply an adjustable offset voltage to the entire system through
  a scalable electrode defined like this: [4] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}. Any
  adjustment to this electrode will be applied equally to the entire

  2009-01-07 - also noted by viatcheslav

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