The field and particle trajectory simulator
Industry standard charged particle optics software
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SIMION 8.0 Issues/Bugs/Enhancements

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Issue I521 [enhancement,inprogress]
  New simion.print_screen() function to print current image.

  A new simion.print_screen() function was added in 8.1 early access mode
  (8.0.5-TEST32) (Issue I421) to invoke the SIMION "print" function from
  View or Modify screens.  It uses the current printer options.
  If the image cannot be printed (e.g. not in a View or Modify screen),
  this function has no effect.

  Project files for new print screen feature in SIMION can be downloaded
  from the "Check for Updates" button in SIMION.

      - new simion.exe and new example.
      - To use:
        - Unzip.
        - Copy your simion.key file (from your SIMION program foler) into this folder.
        - Run the simion*.exe program included in this folder.
        - Select geometry_optimize.lua" program from the "Run Lua Program" button.
        - PNG images and HTML file are written to this folder and displayed
      - See the included Lua programs for details on these new Lua interfaces:

      - PDF of the three emf files written by an older version of the example

  Current limitations:

    - The simion.printer Lua
      object lacks options on the print options screen and is not well documented.
      This interface will be expanded and improved

  The code may still be improved later.

  This issue was last updated 2009-02-16.

  Funded in part by kevins-200902 (extended support).

  Resolving in 8.1 early access (8.0.5-TEST32). - IN PROGRESS

  See also Issue I523 - printing to BMP/PNG/JPG files

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